Rated: 4/5.!
I am so excited to be back again with more great products thanks to
BodyJewelleryShop.com ! One of the products I got this time was the
Blackline Surgical Steel Cartilage Shield in design Star. I was a little intimated at firs with it because the main piece of the jewelry is a small barbell with teeny-tiny screw on balls, which I usually end up losing immediately, lol.! But I was really surprised with this one as I found them a lot easier to take off and put back on then other brands I've used. The shield itself looks great on the ear, the stars stick out nicely and it looks adorable on the ear. Putting it on and removing it was surprisingly easy, and even though the barbell itself is a 16g (according to their website), I found it went into my normal sized ear piercing with ease. There was no stretching pain or soreness left from using the larger gauge barbell, which was great. The shield isn't heavy at all and it fits great right on that area of my ear, so once you have this on, you don't notice it at all.! I also love that this product is made out of surgical steel, because I personally can't wear certain metals as they react badly with my piercings. Overall, An adorable accessory that I really love to have now.
I received the reviewed product for free, in exchange for my complete honest opinion. I do not receive any profit from any links I include in this post, and all photos included are mine unless stated otherwise. Thanks.! :)